Q: When can I start using this belly firming oil?
A: For natural birth - as early as after you have given birth. For Caesarean birth- once your surgery wound has closed superficially and stitches have been removed.
Q: Is this belly firming oil only for my belly?
A: Nope! You are encouraged to apply it onto your belly, hips, buttocks, thighs, breast and everywhere else that has stretched during pregnancy. The goal is to help the skin cope with the shrinking whilst firming it to prevent loose saggy skin.
Q: How frequent should I apply the oil?
A: Twice daily in the circular motion until absorbed. Right after shower when your skin is still damp as absorption rate it's at its peak. And before bedtime as a lot of repairing happens while you sleep.
Q: Why do you recommend an oil and not a cream/lotion/butter?
A: Our premium cold-pressed organic oils have far more potency and effectiveness compared to a cream/lotion/butter. An oil also ensures purity unlike other forms that require stabilizing ingredients (whether natural or artificial) to create.
Q: Would this oil harm my newborn child?
A: Not at all. Our formulations are created by a Holistic Health Practitioner who focuses on creating safe, natural and cruelty-free concoctions. However, we do not encourage the use of this product on newborn infants.
Q: I have stretched marks and loose skin from past pregnancies, would this oil help to remove old stretched marks and firm up loose skin?
A: Scientifically, it is only possible to lighten old stretched marks to make them less noticeable. However, it is possible to firm up loose skin to a certain extend if religiously used together with our Bamboo Belly Binder HERE for more effective firming. Result vary from person to person and the earlier you start your firming regime post-delivery, the better the results would be.
Q: How fast should I expect to see results?
A: You should start seeing results 1-4 weeks post-partum. However, give your body 6-9 months to fully recover as your body took 9 months to grow a miracle.